Listening Skills | Practise listening

Hello Friends,

Listening skills are very important to learn any language. Improve your listening skills by going through this article. Keep reading for tips on how to improve your listening skills and how to practise it.

What kind of Environment is ideal to practise listening?

Listening Skills
Listen to your favourites

A proper environment is important for listening practice, because you need to be attentive.

You may look out for available sources of learning options. There are regular classes that you can attend at school or Language centre. You may also think of taking online classes in a group or on one -to-one mode. If you are not an outgoing kind of person, you may do it on your own.

Try out these different methods to improve your English listening skills and see which one works best for you. After you’ve decided on the best learning environment for you, use the tips below to practise listening in English.

How to Improve Your English Listening Skills

If you are one who prefers to study English on your own, here are some listening tips.

Study in small portions. Divide your entire length of learning per day into small periods. It is known that human concentration periods are at the most 15 to 20 minutes at a stretch. If you wish to practice for 2 hours per day, stretch this time throughout the day. You spend 30 minutes in the fresh hours, another 30 minutes after breakfast. Try to use time 30 minutes of after lunch and after the tea or snacks in the evening for another 30 minutes each.

 You can decide your time periods according to your convenience.

There are numerous scientific studies that show that learning 15 to 30 minutes per day is far superior to attempting to memorise hundreds of new words and grammar rules in a single day.

Listening Tips

Listen to a podcast on the topic you like. Listen to it first without concentrating on what is being spoken. Then you listen to the same thing to try to understand whole to get an overall understanding. Listen to the same for the third time to get each word and to understand the meaning of every line.  

podcast | Listening Skills

Keep listening to the same podcast in increasing periods of time gaps. Let us say, first, once in a week, later, once in two weeks, once in a month, once in three months and so on.

This will benefit you to retain the structures used to relate something and the vocabulary associated to the specific topic as well. These structures and vocabulary would come handy when you try to speak the language.

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Dronamraju Vijaya Krishna Rao

Hello I, Dronamraju Vijaya Krishna Rao, a seasoned ESL/EFL teacher with over 14 years of experience in the education field. I have dedicated my career to helping students learn English and become confident and fluent speakers of the language. With a background in Marketing, Sales, Advertising, and Textiles, I am here to bring a wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set to my teaching practice. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your existing language skills, I am here to help you achieve your goals and make English learning a fun and exciting experience

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