English Writing Skills | Learn English

English writing skills are one of the four aspects of learning English. One can improve his/her English writing skills gradually. You need to practise writing regularly to see the progress in your writing skills.

We have already looked at gaining the other skills, like, Speaking skills, Listening skills and Reading skills in our previous blog posts. Listening to English and Reading some text in English help people acquire the writing skills.

English writing skills
Improve writing skills

Sentence formation in English

If you want to learn English writing skills, you must be aware of the rules to construct a sentence. When writing, the grammatical structure of the sentence is very important. How can we learn it? How to gain English writing skills easily?

Let us understand the differences we have between Speaking and Writing. Speaking doesn’t need the use of all grammar rules. We omit some common grammar rules while speaking.

When writing, it is necessary to apply all grammar rules of the language English. But the moment somebody talks to you about grammar, you may feel disinterested to listen to them further. Don’t worry. You are at the right place to learn English writing skills without discussing grammar points at a length.

Learn English Writing Skills easily

As I mentioned earlier, Reading and Listening habits are really helpful in writing. When you develope the habit of Reading and Listening, you also learn the structuring of the sentences. Your mind will guide you and let you know what is right and what is wrong. You can have some idea of what is the right way of arranging the words to make sense.

When you try to sing a song after listening to it many times, the words flow out of your mouth flawlessly. You don’t even have to think of what should be the next word in a line. It is easy. It is natural.

Your reading and listening habit will help you the same way.

Diary Entry helps improve writing skills

If you wish to improve your English writing skills, start writing diary. Start noting down daily happenings. You can include your daily routine.

English writing skills

You can note down all activities you go ahead with through out the day. The time you woke up on that day, the work out you have done and its length of time. You can mention the breakfast you had and how did you like it. Try writing down what you had for lunch and at what time.

If you are a student, mention the time you went to school. You can also write down about the classes you attended, and lessons learnt. Write down that specific or funny incident that took place during your class. You can also write about the tasks that you were given for the next day.

Include writing about how you spent the evening. Write about the snacks you had and how it tasted. You can mention the discussion you might have had at the dining table with your family members.

This activity of writing diary will surely improve your English writing skills. But, let me remind you, it takes time. Nothing can be learnt overnight.

Translate into English

Translating some text from your native language into English is useful as well. Try translating short news articles into English.

You translate some news article into English. Then you cross check same News article from an English news paper. Check for the sentence structure. Look for the differences. Learn how you can improve your sentences.

You may try translating Stories for children into English. Try translating lyrics of songs from your native language into English. Translations of Small Talks, Conversations etc. work well to improve your English writing skills.

Try translating printed text from different product packaging. You may also translate recipes and instructions into English.

Hope you got an idea about how to improve your writing skills.

Thank you. Let us meet in next blog.

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Dronamraju Vijaya Krishna Rao

Hello I, Dronamraju Vijaya Krishna Rao, a seasoned ESL/EFL teacher with over 14 years of experience in the education field. I have dedicated my career to helping students learn English and become confident and fluent speakers of the language. With a background in Marketing, Sales, Advertising, and Textiles, I am here to bring a wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set to my teaching practice. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your existing language skills, I am here to help you achieve your goals and make English learning a fun and exciting experience