Situational Conversations | Shopping Mall

Situational Conversations at Shopping Malls Situational conversations at shopping malls help us connect with strangers, make friends and improve our English language communicative skills. In the bustling hub of a…

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Connective Words and Phrases

Connective words and phrases are a subtle yet powerful tool that native speakers wield to enhance clarity and coherence in their speech. These linguistic bridges help listeners follow the speaker’s…

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Idiomatic Expressions

Idiomatic expressions are the seasoning that gives language its flavor. Idiomatic expressions can be puzzling to language learners, as their meanings often cannot be deduced from the individual words. However,…

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Learning English | Fun Facts

Learning English can be an exciting journey filled with intriguing aspects that make it a language like no other. Let's explore some fun facts that might just make your language-learning…

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